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Love at First Write

A blog for honest book reviews centered mostly on YA/Fantasy.

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The Scarlet Letter
Nathaniel Hawthorne
A Storm of Swords
George R.R. Martin
Laini Taylor
Attila: The Gathering of the Storm (Attila Trilogy 2)
William Napier
The Host
Stephenie Meyer
Switch Girl!!, Tome 2
Natsumi Aida
The Undying God
Nathan R. Wilson
The Riddle of Prague (The QuickSilver Legacy Series)
Laura DeBruce
Alexa Stone and the Lake of Fire
Megan Boudreau
The Harvard Classics: Stories from The Thousand and One Nights: The Arabian Nights' Entertainments, with Introduction and Notes
Stanley Lane-Poole, Edward William Lane, Charles W. Eliot


Legend - I just looooved this book! It's set in a future North America where the West is the Republic of America and what's left of the East are the Colonies of America. Antarctica melted and they lost a lot of land due to rising seas. Africa an Antarctica are now the best parts if the world to live in and are the most technology advanced. The Republic of America and the Colonies are at war (originally due to a fight over needed land, but no one remembers the cause anymore). June is the Republic's Prodigy. She is the only person to ever score a 1500/1500 on the tests kids are forced to take at age 10. These tests assign kids a rank in society. June is going to a top military school to eventually become a top military officer for the Republic. On the other side of the spectrum, there is Day. He's the Republic's rebel. Everyone knows about him all across the country, even though he's never left his hometown of Los Angeles. Some coincidence forces these two unlikely friends into each others lives and omg it's just amazing