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Love at First Write

A blog for honest book reviews centered mostly on YA/Fantasy.

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The Scarlet Letter
Nathaniel Hawthorne
A Storm of Swords
George R.R. Martin
Laini Taylor
Attila: The Gathering of the Storm (Attila Trilogy 2)
William Napier
The Host
Stephenie Meyer
Switch Girl!!, Tome 2
Natsumi Aida
The Undying God
Nathan R. Wilson
The Riddle of Prague (The QuickSilver Legacy Series)
Laura DeBruce
Alexa Stone and the Lake of Fire
Megan Boudreau
The Harvard Classics: Stories from The Thousand and One Nights: The Arabian Nights' Entertainments, with Introduction and Notes
Stanley Lane-Poole, Edward William Lane, Charles W. Eliot

D.N.Angel Vol 1: v. 1

D.N.Angel, Vol. 1 - Yukiru Sugisaki D.N.Angel was an ok manga... Nowhere near my favorites- at this point at least. So basically this kid, named Daisuke, turns into this Handsome Super Amazing phantom thief named Dark. He turns whenever he starts thinking about his first crush/the girl he likes. I'm not sure which... There's 2 girls, they're twins, and that bit was confusing. But he DOES turn, and he steals priceless artifacts from museums an such that are all from a certain family... Not sure if they MADE the art or if they protect it or something? And for some reason, the commander in charge of the police is a boy in Daisuke's class. Daisuke also owns a rabbit fuzzy thing- not too sure how to describe it- named Wiz. It can transform into a ton of things including people and can talk in Daisuke-form. Wiz is also Dark's wings. The whole things wasn't very well explained and over all not that great- which is why I gave it only 3 stars. It WAS interesting in some parts which is why it doesn't deserve any lower and I was bored so I DID in fact read a couple more volumes, which made me a bit more confused- oh well haha